ASGLE Business Meeting and Panel at the SCS-AIA Boston [January 2018]

ASGLE Business Meeting and Panel at the SCS-AIA Boston [January 2018]

The Society for Classical Studies (SCS) has scheduled our annual business meeting for Saturday, January 6, 2018 from 12:00 – 1:30 pm in the Westin Copley Place, Courier Room. Please join us!


Our ASGLE Panel  will take place Friday, 5 January 1:45 – 4:45 PM (location TBA).

Epigraphy and Religion Revisited, organized by Nikolaos Papazarkadas

The main objective of this panel is to bring together papers that explore religious phenomena primarily from an epigraphic perspective. The American Society of Greek and Latin Epigraphy devoted one of its first thematic panels to Epigraphy and Religion, back in 1999. Almost two decades later, ASGLE revisits the topic in order to find out what the status quaestionis looks like for the current generation of scholars.

  • Jessica Paga, College of William and Mary

Administration and Topography in IG I3 4A-B, the Hekatompedon Decrees

  • Irene Salvo, University of Goettingen

Religious Experience, Ritual Knowledge, and Gender in the Athenian Curse Tablets

  • Jessica Lamont, Yale University

The Koine of Cursing in Early Greece: Bindings and Incantations from the Epigraphic Evidence

  • John Bodel, Brown University

Ex visu / κατ᾽ ὄναρ Dedications and the Spiritual Lives of Greek and Roman Slaves

  • Santiago Castellanos, University of Leon

Religion and Epigraphy in Post-Roman Iberia: The Case of Eleutherius

  • Michael Zellmann-Rohrer, University of Oxford

Asklepios and St. Artemios: Comparative Perspectives on Hellenistic, Late Ancient, and Early Byzantine Narratives of Incubation

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