


Art. 1. Name and Status

The AMERICAN SOCIETY OF GREEK AND LATIN EPIGRAPHY (hereafter ASGLE) was created in 1996 as a non-profit association to promote the study of Greek and Latin epigraphy in North America. This Society is associated with L’Association Internationale d’Epigraphie grecque et latine (hereafter AIEGL).


Art. 2 Purpose

The purpose of ASGLE is to further in North America research in, and the teaching of, Greek and Latin epigraphy of the archaic period through to the late Roman period, and to promote research in related disciplines. This shall be accomplished by promoting collaboration in the field, and by facilitating the exchange of scholarly research and discussion, both in the public forum and in published form.


Art. 3. Use of Funds

The Society’s funds will be disbursed only according to the annual budget passed at the General Meeting, or at the discretion of the Executive Committee. No part of the Society’s income is distributable to its Officers, or members. This article shall not preclude reimbursement for expenses incurred on the Society’s behalf, nor shall it prevent defrayment of expenses on behalf of the Society’s educational programs and projects.

ASGLE shall at no time take action in any political campaign in behalf of any candidate for public office, or at any time carry on propaganda or other activities to influence legislation. There shall be no amendment to this constitution in conflict with Sec. 501 (3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code or in conflict with later amendments to, or substitutions for, Sec. 501 (c) (3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code. No program shall e undertaken by ASGLE which may be in conflict with Sec. 501 (c) (3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code or in conflict with later amendments to or substitutions for Sec. 501 (c) (3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code.


Art. 4. Membership

The Society welcomes as members those person who are engaged in the study of Greek and Latin epigraphy, or of related disciplines, above the high school level.   Request for membership should be given in writing to the Secretary-Treasurer. All members who have paid their annual dues, or have been dispensed from dues, have the right to:

  • participate and vote at the Annual Meeting;
  • be elected to an office or position;
  • submit business for the Annual Meeting;
  • receive at no cost, the ASGLE Bulletin (as available).


Art. 5. The Annual Meeting

An Annual Meeting of the membership will be convened by the President. It will include a business section and an academic section. The Annual Meeting has full powers to:

  • elect the Secretary-Treasurer, Vice-President and Members At-Large of the Executive Committee;
  • consider and approve the annual report of the President;
  • consider and approve the annual financial statements and the report of the Secretary-Treasurer;
  • consider and approve the annual budget prepared by the Executive Committee;
  • approve membership dues;
  • propose to the Executive Committee for consideration new education programs and/or policy.


The Annual Meeting shall also provide an opportunity to discuss scholarly research in a public forum, as is consistent with the Purpose of the Society (Statue 2). The program shall include studies in Greek and Latin epigraphy, and may also include related academic research and disciplines.


Art. 6. Officers

The Officers of the Society shall be a President, a Vice-President, and a Secretary-Treasurer. The Vice-President and Secretary-Treasurer shall be elected by ballot (including mail-in votes) at the Annual Meeting. Elected Officers shall be eligible for nomination for re-election, but may serve no more than two consecutive terms in office.


Art. 7. President

The President shall be the presiding officer of the Society. The President shall hold office for a term of two years, ending on 31 December. The President shall:

  • convene the Executive Committee (as necessary);
  • serve as the Chair of the Executive Committee;
  • in consultation with the Vice-President and the Secretary-Treasurer, prepare the business and agenda for the meetings of the Executive Committee and for the business section of the Annual Meeting;
  • convene the Annual Meeting;
  • make an annual report to the Society at the Annual Meeting;
  • annually report on relationship with AIEGL and other organizations.


Art. 8. Vice-President

The Vice-President shall hold office for a term of two years, ending on 31 December. The Vice-President shall assume the duties of the President in the absence or incapacity of the President. The Vice-President shall also chair the Program Committee. At the completion o the term of the current President, the Vice-President shall become the new President.


Art. 9. Secretary-Treasurer

The Secretary-Treasurer shall hold office for a term of three years, ending on 31 December. The Secretary-Treasurer shall:

  • serve as recording secretary of meetings of the Executive Committee;
  • prepare and circulate to the Executive Committee the minutes of the meetings of the Executive Committee;
  • maintain membership rolls;
  • make a financial and membership report at the Annual Meeting;
  • present the budget for the forthcoming fiscal year;
  • accurately maintain and review he Society’s financial records;
  • disburse funds in accordance with an annual budget approved by the Annual Meeting and according to generally accepted accounting procedures.


Art. 10. The Executive Committee

The Executive Committee of ASGLE is composed of the three Officers, the past president, the Senior Editor and two Members At-Large. The Executive Committee shall be convened and chaired by the President. The Executive Committee’s responsibilities include the following:

  • prepare an annual budget for consideration at the Annual Meeting;
  • deal with the ongoing business of the Society between Annual Meetings;
  • provide general oversight and direction to the Program Committee, and the Editors;
  • review financial matters and make appropriate recommendations to the general membership at the Annual Meeting;
  • secure an external financial accounting of the Society at least once every three years;
  • recommend the membership dues at the Annual Meetings;
  • fill unscheduled vacancies due to resignation or incapacity;
  • designate, as deemed appropriate, new categories of membership;
  • appoint such other committees as may be required from time to time, not already provided for by the Constitution;
  • give direction to the Society with respect to academic policy;
  • decide on themes for each Annual Meting;
  • adjudicate on the relevance and inclusion of non-epigraphical subjects at the Annual Meeting.


Art. 11. Members At-Large

Two Members At-Large shall be elected to the Executive Committee from the general membership with terms of three years each. The terms of the two Members At-Large shall be staggered such they do not retire in the same year. The Society should strive to ensure that the breadth of the field is represented on the Executive Committee.


Art. 12. Editorial Board

The Editorial Board of the ASGLE Bulletin shall be composed of the Senior Editor, the Web-site Editor, and the Junior Editor (when applicable). The Senior Editor shall be appointed by the Executive Committee for a (renewable) term of three years. A Junior Editor shall be appointed by Executive Committee in the final year of the term of the current Senior Editor. At the completion of the term of the Senior Editor, the Junior Editor shall become the new Senior Editor. The Web-site Editor shall be appointed by the Executive Committee for a renewable term of three years. The Senior Editor shall:

  • provide leadership and direction in any publications funded by the Society, in accordance with the financial and academic policies of the Executive Committee;
  • edit and oversee the production of such publications;
  • attend meetings of the Executive Committee.


Art. 13. Program Committee

The Program Committee shall organize the academic program of the Annual Meeting in accordance with policies and guidance of the Executive Committee.


Art. 14 Auditing of Financial Records

The official year of the Society shall be 1 January to 31 December, and the fiscal year shall be the same.


Art. 15. By-laws

The Society shall establish such By-Law as will in its judgment promote its effective operation. A change in the By-Laws may be made at any Annual Meeting, upon the recommendation of the Executive Committee, by a two-thirds vote of the members by ballot (including mail-in votes).


Art. 16. Modification of Statutes

This Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of the members of the Society by ballot, on the recommendation of the Executive, such amendment having been proposed at the previous Annual Meeting, or circulated in writing to the members of the Society at least six months prior to the time when the final action is to be taken.


Art. 17. Dissolution

The Society shall not be dissolved except by the consent of three-quarters of the members. Any proposal for such dissolution, or any proposal for change in the basic purpose of the Society, shall rest for one year before any vote is taken, and all members shall be notified of said proposal. If the Society should be dissolved, or if the basic purpose of the Society should be changed, any and all funds or other assets which the Society may hold shall be transferred, after payment of liabilities, to a non-profit organization as descried in Section 501 [c] [3] of the United States Internal Revenue Code.



By-Law 1. Program Committee

The Program Committee is an ad hoc committee appointed each year by the Vice-President. Each member shall serve a (renewable) term of one year. The Vice-President shall chair all meetings. The responsibilities of the Program Committee are as follows:

  • organize, in accordance with the general policies set by the Executive Committee, the academic section of the Annual Meeting;
  • oversee the publication of information in connection with the Annual Meeting;
  • keep the Executive Committee informed of all actions taken.


By-Law 2. Membership

The recruitment of members for ASGLE shall be confined to North America, though there is no national restriction on membership. Membership in the ASGLE brings membership in the AIEGL with the exception of International AIEGL Members and those student members who decline from joining AIEGL. The official year of membership in the Society shall be 1 January to 31 December:

Membership in the Society is divided into five classes:

  • Benefactor;
  • Honorary;
  • Regular Member (college or university faculty)
  • Retired Member, Student Member or Independent Member (with or without AIEGL membership);
  • International AIEGL Member (i.e. those who permanently reside outside North America and already hold membership in )


By-Law 3. Nominations

A scheduled vacancy in the office of Vice-President, Secretary-Treasurer or one of the Members At-Large shall be publicized to he membership no later than three months before the first day of the Annual Meeting at which the vote is to be taken. Nominations shall reach the Secretary not later than two weeks before the first day of the Annual Meeting at which the vote is to be taken. Nominations must be signed by two members of the society, and also by the nominee.


In the event of unexpected resignations or emergency situations, the Executive Committee has he power to make appointments with terms of service which do not exceed the term of the original appointment.


By-Law 4. Resolutions

Resolutions for the Annual Meeting shall reach the Secretary-Treasurer not later than two weeks before the first day of the meeting at which they are to be presented. They shall be moved and seconded by two members of the Society.


By-Law 5. Delegates to Other Organizations

The Executive Committee may upon occasion appoint a Delegate for itself to some organization such as AIEGL. This Delegate shall represent the Society and report annually to the Executive Committee and/or the Annual Meeting. The terms of such Delegate shall be determined by the Executive Committee.


By-Law 6. Quorums

The Society will conduct its business in plenary session at the Annual Meeting. The deliberations of this meeting will be valid regardless of the number of members present, and will be obligatory upon all. Three members of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum at duly convened meetings.


By-Law 7. Dues

Members shall pay dues as determined by majority vote at the Annual Meeting, on the recommendation of the Executive Committee. Dues hall be paid annually. Members of Benefactor and Honorary class shall have life membership without the payment of membership dues. Membership fees will include automatic enrollment in AIEGL, except in the case of International AIEGL Members and Retired, Student, or Independent Members who select ASGLE membership without membership in AIEGL.

Posted on January 17, 2016. 

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