AIEGL Invitation To The XVth International Congress

AIEGL Invitation To The XVth International Congress


According to  Art. 6 of the Statutes of AIEGL, the secretary general and the president would like to invite all active members of AIEGL to the XVth International Congress from 28 August to 1 September 2017 and especially to the Assemblée générale of our association, which will be held on 31 August 2017.

The program of this general assembly will be sent out to you in May after the preparatory meeting of the Board. Important points of our agenda will be:
– Reports of the officers on their activity in the last quinquennium
– Elections of the officers and the members of the international committee
– Elections of the verificateurs des comptes
– Electronic voting
– Nomination of honorary members
– New definition of the annual fees
– Discussion of proposals about the place where the future Congress in 2022 is to be held

We would like to encourage all active and eligible members to be nominated for a position  and who would like to play an active part in our association. Further nominations may be sought at the time of the Congress itself.

All AIEGL members are urgently asked to register for the Congress as soon as possible, since the participation fees are significantly reduced up to 31 March 2017. See:

Prix d’épigraphie:

On behalf of the bureau of the AIEGL the IIIviri have awarded the Prix d’épigraphie for the best work in Greek epigraphy to

Sara Kaczko (Univ. of Roma, La Sapienza), Archaic and Classical Attic Dedicatory Epigrams

in Latin epigraphy to

Celia Sánchez Natalias (Univ. del País Vasco), El contenido de las defixiones en el Occidente del Imperio Romano

Congratulations! The prizes will be awarded in Vienna at a festive act of the AIEGL, probably together with the Géza Alföldy stipends at the end of the Congress.

There is still the opportunity to apply for one of the three Géza Alföldy scholarships (2000 € each) until 28 January 2017.
We only accept applications from colleagues, who

  1. are active members of the AIEGL (or ASGLE and other national affiliated associations),
  2. participate in the XVth Congress with a lecture or a poster,
  3. come from countries in Africa, the Americas, Asia or Oceania.

You can access the application form on our web-site:

The closing date for applications is 28 January 2017.

For further financial support of AIEGL members, who want to participate in the Vienna congress, please see the circular letter of December 2016.

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